Lim Ziyu
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Fel brother's big day posted at 3:02 PM

YAY first time attending wedding together with ma girls haha
It feels like we're really growing together; experiencing secondary school, graduations, grad trips, working life, and wedding ceremonies together. And I have to say that I am reeeeeeeally glad that I'm going through all these with this bunch hehe ♡

If you guys know me well enough, y'all will know that I have difficulties speaking 100% fluent chinese HAHA i can pass of as those sing-nese if there's such a thing...but proper pronunciation...? maybe give me at least half a year to practice hahahah ^.^"

But ok i am already practising that I can successfully become a bilingual host. HAHHA so as you can see in the image below........I'M ON THE ROSTRUM HAHA so yes wedding host. and guess what... I was only notifies 30mins before show. Thanks fel thanks...thanks for freaking me out because it is in MANDARIN.  HAHA i mean like you want me to speak in mandarin can lah but wah host in mandarin are you serious haha so i had syl, lx, her mom and so many people helping me HAHAH search for the online script, getting the hanyupingying penned down and listening to me practise HAHAH it was quite funny but like SUPER FUN haha.

I love hosting, and have done it for quite a number of casual shows/camps etc, but not a wedding... so it really did freaked me out a little... but the experience was awesome! ^_^

So here's my ChuaEnLai-look-alike co-host who sucked at mandarin #SAMEASCHUAENLAI HAHA but was such a spontaneous person hahahha

And here's a picture with our respective "managers" HAHA thank you for helping us for the entire night! Cueing us, reminding us and making way for us to chiong up the stage HAHA THANK YOU!


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Lim Ziyu

Dance // Sing // Travel
Host: Ellen DeGeneres
Music: Beyoncé
Model: Miranda Kerr / Tyra Banks
YouTuber: Ryan Higa / Jayesslee
Fav people

Layout and header image by mymostloved with base image, brushes and background.